NOTE: Treble is co-sponsoring the Party for Marketers at BlackHat2024 hosted by the Cybersecurity Marketing Society.  This exclusive event is an opportunity to connect with top cybersecurity marketing professionals. (Tuesday, Aug. 6, 4:30-6:30 pm, The Venetian, 1923 Prohibition Bar, 3377 Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas, Nevada.

The cybersecurity business is booming, growing at nearly twice the speed of IT spending as a whole. An increasingly crowded market makes it difficult for companies to stand out to potential customers and investors. Through effective and intentional public relations strategies, these companies can ensure they are featured in publications that their target audiences are paying attention to. 

A steady cadence of news and coverage in both business top-tier and industry-specific publications ensures cybersecurity clients reach their ideal clients and hit business objectives.

Understanding the Cybersecurity Landscape and Client Goals

As public relations professionals, we take the time to understand the landscape of cybersecurity. What are current trends in the industry? What topics are being frequently covered? What topics still need to be covered? What is the breaking news? These questions allow us to craft the most effective media campaigns to secure impactful coverage.

In addition to understanding the industry’s landscape, we also make sure to base our strategy on the client’s business goals. For example, if the client is looking to hit a certain milestone in a particular business unit, we can work to produce coverage that best aligns with that goal. 

Crafting Customized Media Outreach For Each Client

For each announcement or proactive outreach, PR firms work to customize media lists, pitches, and commentary tailored to the client and the news being sent out. At the highest level, PR firms first have to understand the company’s business goals and key messaging. This will allow us to have a baseline for which publications are best suited for the client.

PR professionals will determine which publications should be added or removed from the list for each announcement to best relay the news. Similarly, each pitch is carefully crafted to best present the news in a way that reporters will be interested in. This is a vital connection for any announcement: the pitch must highlight the why in the news. Reporters are looking for newsworthy content, so the pitch must express this.

The Value of Big and Small Media Coverage

For any robust PR program, there must be coverage in not only top-tier business publications but also industry-specific publications. Top-tier publications provide a wide reach, while industry-specific publications allow cybersecurity companies to pinpoint particular markets. 

For example, if a cybersecurity company were to release a new offering that is specific to the media and entertainment industry, it would be valuable to target publications tailored to industry professionals in that field. Creating a media list customized to each announcement best positions cybersecurity companies to be recognized by potential customers.

Getting Your Company in the Eyes of Investors or Customers

Through careful research, customized media outreach, and targeting a diverse group of publications, public relations professionals work to get their clients in the eyes of potential investors and customers. Leveraging our media expertise to build a PR program with a constant cadence of news and coverage in both business top-tier and industry-specific publications.

When cybersecurity companies hire a PR firm, they open the door to new opportunities. By taking advantage of the public relations professionals' media expertise, these companies can reach their ideal clients and make an impact on the industry.