When the botched CrowdStrike software update took down IT systems across multiple countries last week, newsrooms scrambled to cover the immediate impact. Security experts rushed to analyze what happened while affected organizations worked frantically to restore operations. Cybersecurity firms might have seen this as an opportunity to add commentary and context to the story, but unless they could provide a story from a client who was directly affected, journalists likely weren’t interested.

But savvy PR professionals know that the real opportunity often lies in the aftermath - the “Day 2” stories that emerge once the initial shock has subsided. While breaking news coverage focuses on the what and how, subsequent reporting delves into the why and what's next. This is where thought leaders can truly shine, offering deeper insights and forward-looking perspectives that news outlets crave as they continue to explore the broader implications of major events.

The CrowdStrike story provided a great opportunity for trendjacking — a strategic move that can provide a timely quote, interview or analysis that inserts your company into the conversation about a trending topic or event. But it’s not as easy as calling or emailing your favorite media company. Trendjacking requires a combination of speed, a strong viewpoint and the ability to reach the right journalists. Do it right, and you can ensure you and your company remain top-of-mind regarding issues shaping the future of your industry. But if you do it wrong, you risk looking needy or worse, like you’re capitalizing on someone else’s misfortune. However, the potential benefits are significant, and with the right approach, you can position your company as a thought leader in your industry.

Since we started, trendjacking has been one of Treble’s core competencies. We’ve helped our clients deliver thoughtful, real-time analysis of news stories ranging from earnings announcements to security breaches and political issues. Here’s what we’ve found makes for a successful trendjacking opportunity for our B2B tech clients.

Doing Trendjacking Right

Successful trendjacking requires a delicate balance of speed, relevance and, most importantly, authenticity. By tracking industry-specific keywords, we’re able to identify emerging trends quickly. However, speed should never compromise thoughtfulness. Before jumping on a trend, consider its relevance to your brand, audience, and industry. Ask yourself: Does this trend align with our company values? Can we add meaningful value to the conversation? Remember, authenticity is key in trendjacking, and it's what will set you apart from others in the industry.

The next step is to create high-quality commentary that offers a fresh perspective or valuable information. The quote itself might be enough to get you into the story, or it can open the doors to a more wide-ranging opportunity for an interview or guest column. Remember, your commentary should be thoughtful and engaging, sparking further discussion and interest in your company. 

Avoid These Pitfalls

The most common trendjacking mistake is forcing a connection where one doesn’t exist. Technology news, in particular, moves very quickly, and not every trend will align with your brand or resonate with your audience. Trying to wedge your product or service into an unrelated trend can come across as desperate or tone-deaf, potentially damaging your brand's credibility.

The impulse to comment on sensitive or controversial topics is less common but potentially more risky. While it might seem like a way to gain quick attention, weighing in on polarizing issues without careful consideration can alienate portions of your audience. It’s also essential to understand the context. Not understanding the implications or sensitivities behind a news event can lead to embarrassing missteps and damage your brand.

Best Practices to Keep in Mind

In B2B tech PR, your primary goal should be establishing and maintaining thought leadership. While trendjacking can be a helpful tool, it should be used sparingly and strategically, always in service of your broader communication objectives. When considering inserting yourself into the news, remember to:

  • Focus on industry-specific trends: Experience matters to journalists, who look for people with expertise in a particular field—zero in on developments that directly impact your sector.
  • Leverage thought leadership to provide unique insights: Being a thought leader means having a point of view. Don't just repeat what others are saying. Find the people at your company who can weigh in with in-depth analysis.
  • Go easy on self-promotion: When a trendjacking opportunity aligns with what your company provides, it can be tempting to talk about your solution. Generally, stick to the big picture and allow yourself to be seen as a knowledgeable industry leader — the sales leads will soon follow.

When executed thoughtfully, trendjacking can be a powerful tool in your PR arsenal. Working with an experienced PR partner to help navigate the complexities of today’s media can align your brand with current trends and create a unique opportunity to increase your company's visibility in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.